Todo ---- - cleanup some old stuff now unusefull - local rec plugin with mysql support - many improvments to support better TM2 manialinks/maniascripts 4.0.0t ------ - fixed bad error in the EndRace workaround making the $_ChallengeInfo contents wrong 4.0.0s ------ - fixed in case of record removed because of maxrank the last array element was not removed (should avoid the multiple 'Your record ## was deleted: above its MaxRank' messages) 4.0.0r ------ - fixed workaround for callback EndRace coming in wrong order (before latest EndRound) in recent dedicated - fixed workaround for UId in challengeinfo datas wrongly name Uid in recent dedicated (seems to be unusefull on 2013-07-03a, btw the fix is harmless) 4.0.0q ------ - added support for Stadium (and Valley is the real future name) - fixed few minor bugs in dedimania support 4.0.0p ------ - fixed workaround for the double BeginRace/EndRace callbacks with 08/2012 beta dedicated - added /spec login command (very usefull when the score panel is customized) 4.0.0o ------ - fixed simulate flowmanualtransitions events when disabled (mainly on relays) note: this version only fix some panels on relays 4.0.0n ------ - fixed workaround for the spectator mode bug on maps with outro (defaults config values in fast.php are commented, so those who don't modify them won't have bad values when disabled by defaut later when fixed in game) 4.0.0m ------ - fixed an index error in database plugin (not sure if harmless or not) 4.0.0l ------ - fixed workaround to remove F5/F6 effect on Fast hud when it spec - fixed disabled the fix spectator mode workaround in fast.php 4.0.0k ------ - fixed player maxrank was not always applied correctly to show records and handle new records. - fixed try to show more logical previous records on panel when the list size is limited. 4.0.0j ------ - fixed excessive flood in fastlog in case of broken database connection - fixed remove wrong client version check for the spectator mode workaround 4.0.0i ------ - fixed removed the dedicated build check for now : some won't use the last dedicated release until the planets bug is fixed - fixed the internal fast version in 4.0.0h zips was still 4.0.0g ^^ 4.0.0h ------ - fixed few Dedimania² records and top1 things - fixed few times panel position in spec - fixed tm_utf8.phpser moved to includes/ - fixed , , and few configs for future customizations (actually times panel) are now in fast.configs/ 4.0.0g ------ - added Dedimania² support, see install for config : add in the part : -------------------------------------------------------- ............ YourTMdedicatedDedimaniaCode -------------------------------------------------------- The dedimaniacode for your server login can be found on : - fixed times and votes panels - added workaround to avoid free spec at each map change and round finish - added various /map options 4.0.0d ------ - fixed BeginRace event was called a second time with the previous map uid ! 4.0.0c ------ - fixed wrong gamemode value tests in fast_common 4.0.0b ------ - fixed unwanted 1st round restart when there is a spectator 4.0.0a ------ - basic adaptation from fast3.2.3s for TM2 support. notes: - this preversion is probably not bug free, because both of changes and bugs in the new TM² dedicated. - the times/records panel is missing, btw Dedimania is still not available... - no idea which of the fast3.2.x plugins will work as is...